Pet Talking Therapy

Not to be confused with pet psychology or behavioural therapy, talking therapy is a simpler and more effective treatment in which pets are given a safe space to express their feelings and struggles.

Animals struggle with mental health issues in exactly the same way that humans do, and thus they deserve proper care and support. Talking therapy is a way of letting your pet know that they’re valued and that they can share their burdens in a secure environment without fear of judgement.

Sessions last from thirty minutes to an hour, and involve a range of different types of therapy:


The main catalyst for the resolution of multiple problems, including anxiety, worries about the future, depression, money concerns, cyber-bullying and questions about the nature of life itself.


Similar to talking, song involves weaving in music to animals that may be more receptive to that kind of method. Problems are sung through, either using popular show-tunes or improvising on the spot. Owners of pets may wish to bring their own instruments.


While talking is always part of the therapy, dance and rhythmic movement may be mixed in to properly communicate with animals that rely upon body language. Using soothing dance moves, animals can reach a state of relaxation in which they feel comfortable expressing the source of their problems. 

Talking therapy has proven popular with a wide range of pets, from dogs and cats to bird-eating spiders and emus. It’s my firm belief that animals, in addition to being able to feel emotionally in the same way as humans, also desire communication in the form of complex language. This is why I feel that talking therapy is such a powerful and broad avenue of psychological aid.