“Oh, no, Ms Rosie, please don’t do that to the flowers!” I yelled from the other side of the chapel, running over to the bride.
She’d been doing it all day, grabbing petals with her beak and ripping them off. I love birds, I truly do, but planning a wedding for them has turned out to be much harder than I expected.
The Jefferson family came to me a few weeks ago, explaining that their two macaws, Rosie and Reggie, had fallen in love. They’re quite a traditional family so they wanted the birds to have an official ceremony before starting their family. I think that’s really cute, so I was more than happy to help.
Because Rosie is the bride, we decided to go with a rose theme for the wedding. So the next day I made a big order of dwarf roses. They arrived earlier today so I spent a few hours getting the arrangement right. It’s important to get Rosie’s opinion in it, which is why she’s here with me, but she’s proven quite difficult to work with.
Rosie squawked at me and flew across the chapel, taking a look at the rose bouquet I’d just finished.
“Don’t bite them!” I said. “That took me an hour!”
Thankfully she seemed to get the message this time and just had a close look. Then she lifted one of her feet and grabbed a rose with her talons. I was worried she’d destroy the whole arrangement, but instead, she gently pulled it and flew toward me, dropping the rose in my hands.
“For me?” I asked. “Thank you, Rosie. Do you think we should get a rose plant or two in here as well? Make it seem a bit more natural?”
With another squawk and a nod, Rosie seemed to agree.
I’d been considering it for a while but with Rosie’s agreement that seemed to be settled. Now I just have to find a shop that sells rose plants as a whole and can deliver them before the wedding. No pressure!